A minimum of 4 semesters (2 years) is required to complete the program. This M.Sc. program starts at the winter term (an academic year has two semesters in Germany), and the language of all courses is English.
The first semester has the purpose of bringing all students to the same level of materials science, continuum mechanics and programming. This is the knowledge upon which the following semesters strongly build. Additionally, you will improve your German language skills which will help you to explore the culture of Germany.
The second semester focuses on introducing important simulation methods, the accompanying theoretical and numerical concepts and the advantages and pitfalls of all methods. Advanced aspects of materials science and engineering are introduced in “hands-on” approaches using dedicated simulation tools.
During the third semester students can additionally specialize in one of the simulation methods and may choose from elective courses, covering emerging topics such as data-driven materials science and big data methods or advanced topics of plasticity. Their programming skills will be further developed during the Personal Programming Project.
The last semester is reserved for the master thesis.
CMS is a very dense program, but the “big picture” is important and always present – thanks to the fact that all lectures have been very well synchronized among each other.