
- Micro Mechanics and Multiscale Materials Modeling


Finite Elements in Analysis and Design Publication
 17.09.2021  Paper accepted for publication in Finite Elements in Analysis and Design:
Gote, A., Fischer, A., Zhang C., Eidel, B.: Computational Homogenization of Concrete in the Cyber Size-Resolution-Discretization (SRD) Parameter Space
TU Wein
 28.-29.01.2021  20th GAMM Seminar on Microstructures, online-Workshop via ZOOM:
talk by Eidel B. : "The Resolution Error in Image-Based Microstructure Modeling and its Embedding into the Unified Error Framework of FE-HMM."
Postdoc positions available
 26.09.2020  Two Postdoc positions available
Offer of two Postdoc positions in a DFG-funded project in Computational Multiscale Research together with Prof. K. Albe and Dr. A. Stukowski from TU Darmstadt.PDF
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design Publication
 26.09.2020   Paper accepted for publication in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering:
Eidel B., Gote A., Fritzen C.-P., Ohrndorf A., Christ H.-J.: Tibial Implant Fixation in TKA Worth a Revision? - How to Avoid Stress-Shielding Even for Stiff Metallic Implants.
Publication in Frontiers in materials
 23.09.2020   Paper accepted for publication in Frontiers in materials:
Rizzi G., Collet M., Demore F., Eidel B., Neff P., Madeo A.: Exploring metamaterials' structures through the relaxed micromorphic model: switching an acoustic screen into an acoustic absorber.
Publication in Computational Mechanics
 13.02.2020  Paper accepted for publication in Computational Mechanics:
Fischer A., Eidel B.: Error analysis for quadtree-type mesh-coarsening algorithms adapted to pixelized heterogeneous microstructures.
19th GAMM Seminar on Microstructures
 24.-25.01.2020  19th GAMM Seminar on Microstructures: link
talk by Eidel B. : "Error Analysis for Adaptive Mesh-Coarsening of Pixel-Based Microstructure Representations in Homogenization".
Published in Multiscale Science and Engineering
 24.10.2019   Paper published in Multiscale Science and Engineering:
Boddu V., Davydov D., Eidel B., Steinmann P.: Cutoff-Based Modeling of Coulomb Interactions for Atomistic-to-Continuum Multiscale Methods.
Published in Journal of Elasticity
 09.09.2019   Two papers accepted for publication in the Journal of Elasticity:
1. Neff P., Eidel B., d'Agostino M.V., Barbagallo G., Ghiba I.-D., Madeo A.: Identification of scale-independent material parameters in the relaxed micromorphic model through model-adapted first order homogenization.
2. d'Agostino M.V., Barbagallo G., Ghiba I.-D., Eidel B., Neff P., Madeo A.: Effective description of anisotropic wave dispersion in mechanical metamaterials via the relaxed micromorphic model.
Published in Diamond and Related Materials
 24.04.2019   Paper accepted for publication in Diamond and Related Materials: Eidel B., Gote A., Ruby M., Holzer L., Keller L., Jiang X.: Estimating the effective elasticity properties of a diamond-SiC composite thin film by 3D reconstruction and numerical homogenization.
Jahrestagung der GAMM in Wien
 18.-22.02.2019   Jahrestagung der GAMM in Wien: link
B. Eidel, A. Gote, C.-P. Fritzen, A. Ohrndorf, H.-J.Christ: Towards physiological conditions in total knee arthroplasty by a bionics-inspired tibial implant design.
Publication in European Journal of Mechanics
 03.02.2019   Paper accepted for publication in European Journal of Mechanics:
Fischer A., Eidel B.: Convergence and error analysis of FE-HMM/FE2 for energetically consistent micro-coupling conditions in linear elastic solids.
6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics
 11.-15.06.2018   6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6), Glasgow link
B. Eidel, F. Tempel-Stumpf, A. Gote: Computational finite strain viscoelasticity for loading conditions on multiple time scales by adaptive step size control.
Willkommen Marius!
 15.05.2018   M.Sc. Marius Ruby besucht für einen 6-monatigen Aufenthalt die DFG-Heisenberg-Gruppe. Willkommen Marius!
Publication in Medical Engineering and Physics
 16.04.2018   Paper accepted for publication in Medical Engineering and Physics:
Eidel B., Gote A., Ohrndorf, A., Christ H.-J.: How can a short stem hip implant preserve the natural, pre-surgery force flow? A finite element analysis on a collar cortex compression concept CO^4.
Jahrestagung der GAMM in München
 19.-23.03.2018   Jahrestagung der GAMM in München: link
B. Eidel: A nonlinear FE-HMM formulation along with a novel algorithmic structure for finite deformation elasticity
JCMCS 2017, Paris/France
 19.-23.03.2018   ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Modeling of Complex Materials Across the Scales CMCS 2017, Paris/France: link
talk by Bernhard Eidel "A Revision of the Algorithmic Structure of Two-Scale Finite Element Methods for Nonlinear Homogenization"
Minisymposium Multiscale Methods for Complex Materials
 11.10-13.10.2017   Minisymposium "Multiscale Methods for Complex Materials"
  • Sektion Minisymposium "Multiscale Methods for Complex Materials" beim "7th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics", 11.-13.10. 2017 in Stuttgart wird von PD Dr. Eidel zusammen mit Dr. S. Löhnert (Hannover) und Dr. J. Unger (BAM) organisiert.
Publication in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
 03.10.2017   Paper accepted for publication in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering:
Eidel B., Fischer A.: The Heterogeneous Multiscale Finite Element Method for the Homogenization of Linear Elastic Solids and a Comparison with the FE^2 Method.S
70th Independence Day of India
 15.08.2017   70th Independence Day of India
  • Meet for meat! - Group meeting in the "Golden Dragon": Pratik and Ajinkya celebrating the day of India's independence.
International Symposium on Defects and Material Mechanics
 26.-29.06.2017   International Symposium on Defects and Material Mechanics, Lyon/France:link
talk by Bernhard Eidel
Willkommen Andreas!
 15.06.2017   M.Sc. Andreas Fischer hat als Wissenschaftler Mitarbeiter seine Arbeit aufgenommen. Willkommen Andreas!
Jahrestagung der GAMM Ilmenau@Weimar
 06.03-10.03.2017   Jahrestagung der GAMM "Ilmenau@Weimar":link
CellMAT 2016, Dresden
 07.12-09.12.2016   CellMAT 2016, Dresden:link
  • B. Eidel:
    Light and tight: towards optimized cellular materials with a periodic lattice-shell structure by finite element modeling.
Studierende im WiSe 2016-17

Studierende im WiSe 2016-17 in Lehrveranstaltungen von PD Dr. Eidel:

Technische Mechanik III - Dynamik: 290
Technische Mechanik für Elektrotechnik-Ingenieure: 46
Fachlabor Finite Elemente: 25
13.07.2016 Seminar für Mechanik:
  • Prof. Dr. Hans H. Müller-Slany, Universität Duisburg-Essen:
    "Phänomene der Kreiseldynamik vom Spielzeug zum Weltraumflug - Experimentalvortrag" 14:00h - 15:15h, Paul-Bonatz-Str. 9-11, PB-A 118 Ankündigung
    Eindrücke vom Vortrag
04.07.-09.07.2016 17th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM 17), Rhodes, Greece: Link
  • B. Eidel:
    Analysis of the mechanics of ultralight, hollow-tube microlattices: from experiments to the numerical modelling
  • A. Ohrndorf, H.-J. Christ, B. Eidel :
    Deformation of SLM-Lattices under uniaxial compression: finite element simulation and experimental results
06.05.2016 Paper accepted for publication in Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis:
Neff, P., Eidel, B., Martin, R.: Geometry of logarithmic strain measures in solid mechanics.
07.03.-11.03.2016 Beitrag auf der Jahrestagung der GAMM in Braunschweig: Link
  • B. Eidel, A. Fischer:
    The Heterogeneous Multiscale Finite Element Method FE-HMM for the Homogenization of Linear Elastic Solids.
11.11.2015 GAMM-Seminar über "Multiscale Material Modeling (MMM) on Real-Data Based Numerical Methods" am Fraunhofer ITWM in Kaiserslautern
  • B. Eidel:
    The Heterogeneous Multiscale Finite Element Method for the Homogenization of Elastic Solids

Zahlen zu Studierenden in Veranstaltungen des Lehrstuhls:

Technische Mechanik III - Dynamik: 383
Technische Mechanik für Elektrotechnik-Ingenieure: 51
Fachlabor Finite Elemente: 31
Finite Elemente Methoden I: 18
Anleitung zum Wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten: 8
Juli 2015 Ajinkya Gote erhält seine Urkunde zum Masterabschluss "Computational Mechanics" an der Universität Duisburg-Essen auf der Akademischen Abschlussfeier - Gratulation, Ajinkya!
26.06.2015 In den Medien: "Nanogitter auf der JUQUEEN"
  • 11.11.2015 ExaScale-Newsletter (Newsletter zu Supercomputing und Big Data) Link
  • 16.07.2015 Biermann-Medizin Link
  • 15.07.2015 Siegener Zeitung Link
  • 02.07.2015 WAZ Link
  • 01.07.2015 Innovations-Report Link
  • 01.07.2015 Uni Siegen Link
23.03.-27.03.2015 Beiträge auf der Jahrestagung der GAMM in Lecce/Italien: Link
  • B. Eidel:
    On the Mechanics of Ultralight Hollow Microlattices.
  • S. Didam, B. Eidel, A. Ohrndorf, H.-J. Christ:
    Mechanical Analysis of Metallic SLM-Lattices on Small Scales: Finite Element Simulations versus Experiments.
10.01.2015 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterstelle, Ausschreibungstext
08.12.-14.12.2014 Delegation der Uni Siegen an der South-China University of Technology (SCUT) in Guangzhou
B. Eidel, Vortrag auf Workshop "Micro- and Nanoscale Architectured Engineering Materials"
20.07-25.07.2014 World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), Barcelona
B. Eidel: Modeling of Surface Stresses at the Nanoscale by Adaptive Atomistic-Continuum Coupling Link
14.07-17.07.2014 B. Eidel gibt Kompaktkurs "Introduction to the Finite Element Method" im Rahmen der International Summer School am Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), China
16.12.2013 Paper accepted for publication in Comptes Rendus Mecanique:
Neff, P., Eidel, B., Osterbrink, F. & Martin, R.: A Riemannian approach to strain measures in nonlinear elasticity.