- Micro Mechanics and Multiscale Materials Modeling
17.09.2021 | Paper accepted for publication in Finite Elements in Analysis and Design: Gote, A., Fischer, A., Zhang C., Eidel, B.: Computational Homogenization of Concrete in the Cyber Size-Resolution-Discretization (SRD) Parameter Space |
28.-29.01.2021 | 20th GAMM Seminar on Microstructures, online-Workshop via ZOOM: talk by Eidel B. : "The Resolution Error in Image-Based Microstructure Modeling and its Embedding into the Unified Error Framework of FE-HMM." |
26.09.2020 | Two Postdoc positions available Offer of two Postdoc positions in a DFG-funded project in Computational Multiscale Research together with Prof. K. Albe and Dr. A. Stukowski from TU Darmstadt.PDF |
26.09.2020 | Paper accepted for publication in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical
Engineering: Eidel B., Gote A., Fritzen C.-P., Ohrndorf A., Christ H.-J.: Tibial Implant Fixation in TKA Worth a Revision? - How to Avoid Stress-Shielding Even for Stiff Metallic Implants. |
23.09.2020 | Paper accepted for publication in Frontiers in materials: Rizzi G., Collet M., Demore F., Eidel B., Neff P., Madeo A.: Exploring metamaterials' structures through the relaxed micromorphic model: switching an acoustic screen into an acoustic absorber. |
13.02.2020 | Paper accepted for publication in Computational Mechanics: Fischer A., Eidel B.: Error analysis for quadtree-type mesh-coarsening algorithms adapted to pixelized heterogeneous microstructures. |
24.-25.01.2020 | 19th GAMM Seminar on Microstructures: link talk by Eidel B. : "Error Analysis for Adaptive Mesh-Coarsening of Pixel-Based Microstructure Representations in Homogenization". |
24.10.2019 | Paper published in Multiscale Science and Engineering: Boddu V., Davydov D., Eidel B., Steinmann P.: Cutoff-Based Modeling of Coulomb Interactions for Atomistic-to-Continuum Multiscale Methods. |
09.09.2019 | Two papers accepted for publication in the Journal of Elasticity: 1. Neff P., Eidel B., d'Agostino M.V., Barbagallo G., Ghiba I.-D., Madeo A.: Identification of scale-independent material parameters in the relaxed micromorphic model through model-adapted first order homogenization. 2. d'Agostino M.V., Barbagallo G., Ghiba I.-D., Eidel B., Neff P., Madeo A.: Effective description of anisotropic wave dispersion in mechanical metamaterials via the relaxed micromorphic model. |
24.04.2019 | Paper accepted for publication in Diamond and Related Materials: Eidel B., Gote A., Ruby M., Holzer L., Keller L., Jiang X.: Estimating the effective elasticity properties of a diamond-SiC composite thin film by 3D reconstruction and numerical homogenization. | ||||||||||
18.-22.02.2019 | Jahrestagung der GAMM in Wien: link B. Eidel, A. Gote, C.-P. Fritzen, A. Ohrndorf, H.-J.Christ: Towards physiological conditions in total knee arthroplasty by a bionics-inspired tibial implant design. |
03.02.2019 | Paper accepted for publication in European Journal of Mechanics: Fischer A., Eidel B.: Convergence and error analysis of FE-HMM/FE2 for energetically consistent micro-coupling conditions in linear elastic solids. |
11.-15.06.2018 | 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6), Glasgow link B. Eidel, F. Tempel-Stumpf, A. Gote: Computational finite strain viscoelasticity for loading conditions on multiple time scales by adaptive step size control. |
15.05.2018 | M.Sc. Marius Ruby besucht für einen 6-monatigen Aufenthalt die DFG-Heisenberg-Gruppe. Willkommen Marius! | ||||||||||
16.04.2018 | Paper accepted for publication in Medical Engineering and Physics: Eidel B., Gote A., Ohrndorf, A., Christ H.-J.: How can a short stem hip implant preserve the natural, pre-surgery force flow? A finite element analysis on a collar cortex compression concept CO^4. |
19.-23.03.2018 | Jahrestagung der GAMM in München: link B. Eidel: A nonlinear FE-HMM formulation along with a novel algorithmic structure for finite deformation elasticity |
19.-23.03.2018 | ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Modeling of Complex Materials Across the
Scales CMCS 2017, Paris/France: link talk by Bernhard Eidel "A Revision of the Algorithmic Structure of Two-Scale Finite Element Methods for Nonlinear Homogenization" |
11.10-13.10.2017 | Minisymposium "Multiscale Methods for Complex Materials"
03.10.2017 | Paper accepted for publication in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering: Eidel B., Fischer A.: The Heterogeneous Multiscale Finite Element Method for the Homogenization of Linear Elastic Solids and a Comparison with the FE^2 Method.S |
15.08.2017 | 70th Independence Day of India
26.-29.06.2017 | International Symposium on Defects and Material Mechanics, Lyon/France:link talk by Bernhard Eidel |
15.06.2017 | M.Sc. Andreas Fischer hat als Wissenschaftler Mitarbeiter seine Arbeit aufgenommen. Willkommen Andreas! | ||||||||||
06.03-10.03.2017 | Jahrestagung der GAMM "Ilmenau@Weimar":link
07.12-09.12.2016 | CellMAT 2016, Dresden:link
11.11.2016 |
Studierende im WiSe 2016-17 in Lehrveranstaltungen von PD Dr. Eidel:
13.07.2016 |
Seminar für Mechanik:
04.07.-09.07.2016 |
17th International Conference on Experimental
Mechanics (ICEM 17), Rhodes, Greece: Link
06.05.2016 | Paper accepted for publication in
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis:
Neff, P., Eidel, B., Martin, R.: Geometry of logarithmic strain measures in solid mechanics. |
07.03.-11.03.2016 |
Beitrag auf der Jahrestagung der GAMM in
Braunschweig: Link
11.11.2015 |
GAMM-Seminar über "Multiscale Material Modeling
(MMM) on Real-Data Based Numerical Methods" am
Fraunhofer ITWM in Kaiserslautern
15.10.2015 |
Zahlen zu Studierenden in Veranstaltungen des Lehrstuhls:
Juli 2015 | Ajinkya Gote erhält seine Urkunde zum Masterabschluss "Computational Mechanics" an der Universität Duisburg-Essen auf der Akademischen Abschlussfeier - Gratulation, Ajinkya! | |||||||||||
26.06.2015 |
In den Medien: "Nanogitter auf der JUQUEEN"
23.03.-27.03.2015 |
Beiträge auf der Jahrestagung der GAMM in
Lecce/Italien: Link
10.01.2015 | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterstelle, Ausschreibungstext | |||||||||||
08.12.-14.12.2014 | Delegation der Uni Siegen an der
South-China University of Technology (SCUT) in
B. Eidel, Vortrag auf Workshop "Micro- and Nanoscale Architectured Engineering Materials" |
20.07-25.07.2014 | World Congress on Computational
Mechanics (WCCM XI), Barcelona
B. Eidel: Modeling of Surface Stresses at the Nanoscale by Adaptive Atomistic-Continuum Coupling Link |
14.07-17.07.2014 | B. Eidel gibt Kompaktkurs "Introduction to the Finite Element Method" im Rahmen der International Summer School am Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), China | |||||||||||
16.12.2013 | Paper accepted for publication in
Comptes Rendus Mecanique:
Neff, P., Eidel, B., Osterbrink, F. & Martin, R.: A Riemannian approach to strain measures in nonlinear elasticity. |